A General Overview On The Usage Of VSAT Networks


Internet has become an indispensible aspect of the lives of many today. People need the internet for a variety of personal and professional uses. Even TV Broadcast Services are undertaken via the internet today. However, not everyone enjoys equally smooth and easily accessible internet. In fact, volatility and speed of communications are one of the biggest challenges faced by people living in remote or hard-to-reach places. One of the best ways to avail a stable internet connection in even the most remote corners of the globe would be through VSAT satellite technology.

VSAT networks operate in different frequencies, shapes, and sizes. Usually, operating frequencies are C-band and Ku-band and work with Star Network with Star Network or Private Hub, as well as Point-to-Point or Customized Private Hub that has the capacity to support a large number of places and Mesh Systems. A VSAT Network has the capability to provide internet access in addition to the point to point WAN links, and is set to become the next major way the consumer broadband industry. Many people across the planet are now planning to leverage the VSAT system for broadbandsolutions.

VSAT networks can be easily and cost-effectively scaled for the purpose of accommodating multiple locations across the planet. In fact, some of the largest customers of VSAT networks today tend to have as many as 10,000 sites on a single network. More details about VSAT services and their core features can be found on the web.


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