Satellite connectivity: most Dependable internet service for African countries


Over the decades, internet penetration has significantly increased across the planet. However, there are still many areas, particularly in the African countries, where cellular internet or fiber optics do not work properly. In these regions, satellite connectivity tends to be the most popular option for both internet and TV Broadcast Services. Satellite network is not dependent on existing fiber optic, landline, and cellular infrastructure. Moreover, it is characterized by its high reliability, and has a low upfront and monthly running cost.

Satellite network has the capability to provide smooth Broadband Solutions to areas where the installation of fiber and LTE mobile infrastructure is not possible. It also is ideal for places where connectivity is slow and long install lead times are common.

While satellite internet can be of multiple types, VSAT Services has especially gained a good level of popularity recently. VSAT or Very Small Aperture Terminal is a popular satellite communications system that can provide cost-effective and hassle-free internet. Users of VSAT internet can enjoy smooth connectivity even while moving from one place to another. This makes it an ideal choice for environmentalists visiting African jungles or NGO staff members visiting remote villages of the region.

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UAE Office and Administration:
Contact Person: Tabitha Mutua
Tel:                       +971-4-3 724 123 / 4


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