
Showing posts from November, 2022

An insight into using VSAT internet in Africa

  While high speed mobile Internet systems like LTE and fiber-to-home technologies are definitely widely popular, there are many parts of the world, especially remote regions of Africa, where satellite technologies like VSAT are used way more. Anyone working or living in a remote region is likely to face a number of internet issues if they avail of typical terrestrial connectivity. Hence,  Satellite Connectivity in Africa  is quite popular. This system makes the delivery of high speed and stable internet possible even in the forested regions, suburban areas, and small villages of Africa. Ku  and  Ka-Band in Africa  are two of the most common frequencies used by the VSAT service providers of the region. While Ka-band uses frequencies in the 26.5 to 40 GHz range, Ku-band has frequencies in the 12 to 18 GHz range. As the former has a higher frequency, it has the capacity to extract comparatively more bandwidth, and support improved data performance and trans...

VSAT connectivity: Ideal for businesses in remote parts of Africa

  Volatility in internet connectivity is among the key challenges faced by companies operating in hard-to-reach areas or remote regions in Africa. As a result, many such companies are gradually pivoting to the satellite system, and opting to avail VSATInternet in Africa . This internet system is characterized by its accessibility and efficiency. The Very Small Aperture Terminal or VSAT satellite technology basically uses a type of antenna that receives and transmits data. This antenna comprises of small terminals that can be installed in distributed sites, and effectively be connected to central Hub thanks to a satellite. Detailed information on VSAT Equipment in Africa can be found on the web.   VSAT satellite technologies tend to operate in varied sizes, shapes, and frequencies. Typically, their operating frequencies are C-band and Ku-band, which work with Star Network (Private Hub), Mesh Systems that are smaller than star systems, and Point-to-Point (Customized Private...