
Showing posts from 2018

The Advantages of Video Conferencing and How It Helps in Everyday Life

Video conferencing is a great way to have face-to-face interactions with people who are miles away from us. It not helps families and friends stay connected, but it also makes it seamless for businesses to conduct conferences and schedule meetings without geographical location serving as a barrier. Here are a few more advantages of video conferencing and how satellite connectivity in Africa can help you take advantage of this facility. Collaboration with people happens more freely A majority of people can be accessed via video conferencing as knowledge and information technology are distributed at a more rapid rate. This ensures people spread all over the world can collaborate in a better and more willing way. It generates better and more innovative ideas Since people can connect in a better way and a more productive way, brainstorming sessions take place in a more desirable manner. Businesses can make use of video conferencing to share information and choose the be...

Stay connected to the world in Africa

Africa is a vast continent with many remote places. In people’s mind, Africa remains as a wild place full of animals, backward tribes and some good people think that it is an un-spoilt heaven on earth, and god’s own creation.  You will be surprised to know how much Africa has developed over the past few decades. All thanks to the tourism industry and the natural reserves. Even in the remotest places of Africa it is possible to find high speed internet connection today, including VSAT Internet in Africa . Enjoy your holidays with high speed internet No matter which part of Africa you are in it is possible to find Satellite Internet in Africa . The most popular internet service in Africa is VSATiFast, which is a high-speed internet connection. Keep in touch with the rest of the world from the remotest places of this earth.  A holiday in Africa is full of wildlife and adventures and you are sure to click many memorable pictures. Now, you can immediately upl...

How to choose a good Internet Service Provider?

We cannot imagine a world without the internet . It is safe to say that in today’s world, we are dependent on the internet more than anything. With the importance of the internet comes the need for a good Internet Service Provider or ISP.  ISP is an organization provides services for using, accessing or participating in the internet. There is more than one Cheap Internet Provider in Africa , and therefore you must make sure that you choose the best, albeit the cost. So here are some things to consider while selecting the Internet Service Provider.  1.       Sufficient bandwidth Choose the bandwidth that suits your nature of the operation . Consider points such as your desired speed, required bandwidth, need for point-to-point connectivity, and THE number of devices requiring data transfer while choosing the VSAT Service in Africa . 2.       Quick installation time Enquire about the number of da...


A f r i c a n r e g i o n a l V S A T s e r v i c e s p r o v i d e r I N T E R S A T, w h i c h p r o v i d e s t e l e c o m m un i c a t i o n s e r v i c e s t h r o u g h o u t A f r i c a , t o d a y l a u n c h e d a n e w U N LI M IT E D K A - B a nd B r o a db a n d S e r v i c e o n t h e A v a n t i H YL A S 2 S a t e lli t e t o c o m p l e m e n t t h e i r e x i s t i n g V S A T s o l u t i o n s. T h e s e r v i c e w ill o ff e r r e l i a b l e h i g h t hr o u g h p u t b r o a d b a nd t o h e l p g r o w s m a ll , m e d i u m a nd l a r g e e n t e rpr i s e s t h r o u g h o u t K e n y a , T a n z a n i a , R w a n d a , B u r un d i , Z i m b a b w e a nd p a r t s o f S o m a li a , Z a m b i a a nd U g a n d a . W i t h s p ee d s u p t o 20 M bp s , a n d 1 0 0 % c o v e r a g e , n o b u s i n e s s n ee d s t o b e d i s a d v a n t a g e d b y s l o w c o nn e c t i v ...