Satellite Internet Service Enables Customers to Get High Speed Internet
Even though DSL and cable are the popular choices, satellite Internet is an outstanding option for people living in remote areas where earthly access is not available, and for people who are always on a move. Broadband Internet access via geostationary satellite is available almost across the world since it does not depend on cables or wires. Satellite communications carriers offer three bands Ku Ka and C bands Each of the three bands has different through put and speed due to variable frequencies and wavelengths. The C band in Africa has emerged as the best option for satellite broadband communications in the recent years. C-band has the following advantages: It has longer wavelengths and low frequency, so it can breach rainfall easily. It allows customers to enjoy steady broadband Satellite connectivity in Africa . Satellite broadband via C band enables businesses and people to make VOIP calls and upsurge bandwidth capac...